January 24, 2019 by Andrew Riedel
If you are a local service business, you will want visitors to your website to either phone you or fill in a Quote/Contact Form.
Do Customers Have To Look For Your Phone Number and Quote Form?
If I open your website can I immediately see your phone number and a link to a quote form on every page? Is every phone number on your website clickable on a mobile phone?
If I can’t see your phone number or form, you are leaving money on the table.
Also, Quote Forms are essential these days with people searching online out of traditional business hours or from work where they won’t be able to ring you. Your potential customers can easily fill in your form and then wait for you to get back to them.
If you don’t have a quote form, people will have forgotten all about you by Monday morning when you are open for business again.
We can create a form for you and make all your phone numbers clickable and add these elements to the top of every page of your website – Give us a call on 1300 885 487
This is the top of every page we have on our website. It is very simple and very clear.
Top SEO Brisbane
Level 1, 16 McDougall Street
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1300 885 487
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